Ever fancied trying your hand at making your very own T-shirt? Well wish no more as Lazy Oaf are holding a workshop at London's Tate Britain as part of
BP Saturday's Loud Tate on
Saturday 26th September from 12-5pm where you can do just that. Loud Tate is running a revolutionary day for young creatives out there including live music, performances, art and creative workshops, which is where we come in.
From 12-5pm on the day we will be taking over one room and hosting 4 creative workshops open to
20 people at a time (on a first come first served basis). Here we are going to be letting you design and create your very own T-shirt or tote bag, oh yes!
Here's a rundown for each workshop:
- Meet the Oaf design team and find out how we come up with our design ideas.
- Pick between a tote bag or a T-shirt.
- Come up with your own design - we're going to provide you with an array of Lazy Oaf templates too.
- Cut your design out from vinyl
- Put it in the heat press and watch the magic unfold!
- Leave with your very own customised T or tote ready to show off to the world.
If reading this alone is making your design brain work in overdrive then make sure you come along on the day and join in. All you have to do is show up to the Tate Britain [
view map] on the day. There are plenty of other exciting things going on too including live performances from the super stylish
Scarlet Harlots (runners up to Orange Unsigned Act) + more acts, a Swap Shop so you can bring along your stuff to swap, haggle and barter as well as live drawing and debates all day. Find out all you need to know at
www.tate.org.uk/youngtate/britain/loudtate2009 or alternatively check out their
Facebook page.

And that isn't all, no siree! As part of Loud Britain we're giving all you young budding designers out there the opportunity to design some jewellery for Lazy Oaf. Oh yes you could see you design turned into a Perspex masterpiece in the blink of an eye.
So here is all you need to know:
1. The design must either be for a brooch OR pendant to be made from Perspex.
2. Designs must be
one colour of your choice only.
3. The design cannot include any layers or patterning however you can include additional add-on's such as gems, googly eyes (see examples).
4. Loud Tate have created a broad theme of Re-Evolution for your design. Not sure what this means? Well read on:
The theme is Re-Evolution which is inspired by artists such as Richard Long, Eva Rothchild and other works from the Tate Collection. Re-evolution is concerned with re-thinking, re-making and re-evolutionising art, fashion, architecture, music and film at Tate Britain (a merge of Revolution and Evolution and the new invention of it).
5. Please email a clear image of your design entry as a low-res jpeg to
info@lazyoaf.com with the title 'My Jewellery Design' by
Friday 30th October.
Designers Hint: To get inspiration for ideas try looking at the silhouettes of your favourite objects whether it's your preferred snack or most overused kitchen appliance for example.
We will turn the winning design into
50 Limited Edition pieces that will be sold under YOUR name on our site and in our
Kingly Court Shop. The winner will get to come along to our studio and have their photo taken wearing their design and will get to take home 5 of their winning designs to keep and share with whoever is worthy enough. So if this sounds like your dream come true then get researching, doodling and designing. And remember: originality is key so if you've seen it before we don't want to see it again!
We cannot WAIT to see what you talented lot come up with. To find out more please mail us at
