See You Next Tuesday: Windows XP, Toasting Hot Dogs and Real-life Emoji

Welcome to this weeks latest instalment of See You Next Tuesday where the Lazy Oaf team fill you in on the things that have caught our eye or got us talking in the office over the past 7 days. This week we have been feeling nostalgic for old Windows graphics, wanting a trip to the Nutella bar and wishing we'd dressed up as an emoji for Halloween. 1. INTERNET SENSATIONS: Lime Wired. Computers are always changing, improving, updating and advancing which is great, especially for people like us who have to use them everyday. However we are notoriously nostalgic here at Lazy Oaf which is why we have become hooked on this weeks latest trip down memory lane, A celebration of Windows graphics right from the turn of the 21st century, we have spent endless minutes glaring at dogs on swings, flying eagles and spinning logos to the alluringly irritating sounds of computer beep errors. Who knows, maybe a CAD collection is in the pipeline for us in 2014? 2. FOOD FAVOURITES: Nuts for Nutella. Whether you spread it on toast, melt it on pancakes or eat it with a spoon straight from the jar, everyone loves Nutella right? Who could deny the hazelnutty chocolatey goodness that comes in an equally impressive jar that we always tell ourselves we're going to make into a candle holder or something? Anyway, clearly aware of the popularity of this spread, Chicago food hall Eataly Chicago have just opened up a Nutella Bar treating guests to a variety of spread-based snacks including toast and crepes. Department store food halls in London we hope you're reading this. 3. WINDOW SHOPPING: One Hot Dawg. Christmas is coming and our wish lists are growing longer by the minute. The latest addition takes the form of this totally unnecessary yet equally amazing Retro Series Hot Dog Toaster. OK we know this is a bit of a lazy way to cook but come on! Having said that, a pair of hot sausages popping out of a toaster does sounds like a bit of a safety hazard. Plus this only costs $13.54 at Walmart making us question just how much cooking actually takes place in those metal slots. We still want one please mum. 4. MEDIA MATTERS: Make Me Emoji. We're obsessed with emojis to the point where we don't feel like an Instagram post is complete unless its caption features at least one. Not a week goes by in the offices where we don't have a discussion about how there should be a slice of cheese, or a shark or a unicorn. So when we saw the fancy dress efforts of the pair above mimicking one of our favourite icons, the two dancing ladies, we were overcome with envy and admiraiton. Why didn't we think of dressing up as this?! This particular post was poached from our latest Twitter discovery @NightClubFails confirming why you should always hide from cameras on nights out.