Meet The Model: Taii Gordon

She's the face of our Autumn '13 Drop 1 lookbook so today we are letting you know a bit more about the brains behind the beauty that is our latest model Taii Gordon. We got Taii to tell us about her love for cats, her hate for rats tails and her crush on Angelina Jolie. Photography by Leonn Ward.
I am originally from...
Mother is from Yorkshire, Hull and my dad is half Jamaican, half Irish. I'm a West London girl though, through and through!
When I am not modelling you will mostly find me...
Obsessing over cats, pretending to be a cat, in the gym/walking around London or with my family.
My best beauty secret is...
Erm...I try to take my make-up off every night, drink water and 8 hours of sleep. Never quite happens though!
My favourite thing to eat is...
Fruit!! I can eat fruit until the cows come home.
The most over worn thing in my wardrobe is...
My studded leather biker jacket.
The word I use too much is...
Man. Like, 'Hey man' My most overused Emoji is...
The cats on WhatsApp or the little dancing lady in the red dress. I'm not part of the iPhone family so I am limited! The TV programme I am most looking forward to watching this week is...
I don't really watch TV that much, I do however sometimes love a bit of car crash telly though if I catch it! The song I keep playing over and over isâ¦
There's a few songs by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club that have been on repeat.
My biggest celeb crush is...
Narrowing it down, Johnny Depp, Vin Diesel and Angelina Jolie is my girl crush!
My favourite thing from the new Lazy Oaf collection is...
This is hard; I love the Mind the Gap Dress and the In Da Hood jackets. Straight hair or curly hair?
It's nice to switch it up every once in a while, I'm lucky I am able to do that quite easily.
Piercings or tattoos?
Both! I'm obsessed with both, I have 9 ear piercings, 1 belly and two tattoos. It's taking a great deal of will power to behave myself and stop there!
Heels or trainers?
I'm more at home in trainers and flats or flatforms. But I like wearing heels every once in a while. Just brought a chunky punk type pair I feel are not going to come off my feet.
Tea or coffee?
Herbal tea.
Dogs or cats? Or rats?
CATS!!! Rats tails scare me!
Follow me at:
Twitter- @TaiiGordon / Instagram - @taiitaiigordon / Blog -