'Not Open For Long' Shop

Posted by: Ben
Breaking NEWS! ...Well not breaking but pretty gosh darn important news. The Lazy Oaf pop up store in Covent Garden is open for one more week! EEEK! After that it will be gone forever. The shop and gallery space will officially close on Saturday 5th June at 7pm so make sure you mark it in your diaries and 'pop' down to our store before the end is nigh.
We still have all our amazing Drawing Club tee's on display and ready to buy but also all the astounding drawings which many of you and the illustrators graced our walls with. This is the last chance you can see this space with amazing works by talented illustrators ZeroTen, Ian Stevenson, Tom Edwards, Joe Baglow, Nicholas Saunders, Bob London & Rosy Nicholas/Chrissie Abbott. So come on down, get an eyeful of those neon-tastic doodle walls and of course grab yourself some Lazy Oaf merchandise!
Check out our Tuxedo dress, Skull dress and Gold Triangle dress sitting nicely on our doodled neon wall.
One of our walls decorated with illustrations by Bob London, Joe Baglow & Nicholas Saunders.
So make sure you come down quick quick quick and give us a cheeky hello. Remember folks this is your last chance to see these illustrations exhibited and to buy some oaf goodies in Covent Garden. Looking forward to seeing your friendly fun faces.
Here's the map and address in case you get lost along the way (click the address for the map)
18 Shorts Gardens, Seven Dials, Covent Garden, WC2 H9BE
Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 11-7pm Sun 12-6pm