Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside

This Wednesday wasn't just any Wednesday for us. We escaped the confines of our North London office in favour of sun, sand and seagulls in none other than the famous seaside town of Essex, Southend-on-Sea. As much as we love to scoff our faces with candy floss and raid the souvenir shops, we weren't just there for fun oh no, we were shooting images for our Spring/Summer look book. What more could you ask for to get you in the mood for summer than a Mr. Whippy, spinny windmill and some good old fashioned arcade games? We were super excited to be working with photographer Dan Wilton who shot this seasons look book so while we await the arrival of the snaps we have a couple of behind the scenes shot to get you going.
We thought these sleeping pups in the souvenir shop were pretty good until we saw....
....these sleeping beauties. Words cannot explain how amazing the site of these six Leonberger's was, we're on the hunt for a local breeder as we speak.
In between changing looks for the shoot, one of Southend's favourite night time haunts The Sun Rooms kindly allowed us to use their bar as a base. This is also where we stopped for lunch with four of us opting for the club sandwich option as seen above; we can reveal it tastes even better than it looks.
While perusing around the town, we were inundated with brilliant places to take photos and one of our favourites was Captain Jim's Amusements on the Marine Parade. After squeezing our 6ft something model Elliot into childrens rides we were all treated to a 99 ice cream with flake included.
Another favourite location was the Sunspot arcade on the Marine Parade which encased an impressive interior with a ceiling of neon tube lighting and a magically printed carpet.
While we were in Sunspot we met one of their very friendly members of staff Ben who was more than happy to follow suit of the models and strike a pose.
Another of our favourite landmarks was the fish and chip shop Las Vegas Grill. Not only do they fry the finest chips on the strip but we were also a sucker for the giant neon signs not to mention wallet friendly prices.
So if you're looking for a trip with a difference this bank holiday then head on down to Southend and discover all the treasures of a quintessential British seaside.
The look book photos are on their way very soon so watch OUT!