See You Next Tuesday: Simpsons Special

Welcome to See You Next Tuesday, the weekly round up of what we have been loving at the Lazy Oaf HQ over the the past 7 days. Today we are focusing in on our favourite television family The Simpsons; if this doesn't make you want to eat your shorts then we don't know what will. 1. INTERNET SENSATIONS: #SimpsonsSunday. The latest social media bandwagon that many members of the Lazy Oaf team have jumped on is Snapchat and one of our favourite weekly features is SimpsonsSunday instigated by our pal Sam Hiscox. Basically you take a 'selfie' and then transform your face into a character from The Simpsons. If you can't be bothered to get out of bed this Sunday then we suggest you perfect your touch screen drawing skills and get involved. 2. FOOD FAVOURITES: I'll have a Krusty Burger please. This week we have been longing to be in Orlando as Universal Studios have opened up Springfield's very own Fast Food Boulevard in anticipation for the opening of their new Simpson's ride (date tbc). Not only can you have yourself a Krusty Burger but you can also join Homer in sampling a Duff Beer at Mo's Bar and pay Apu a visit at the Kwik-E-Mart. If, like us, you can't get to Florida anytime soon, this video will take you one step closer to the magic. 3. WINDOW SHOPPING: Taking the biscuit Bart. If you're a fan of collecting/eying up Simpsons paraphernalia like us then eBay is the number one place to be. This week we've fallen in love with this amazing Bart Simpsons Cookie Jar. It's hasn't been won yet - buy it now or buy it not?! 4. MEDIA MATTERS: We need more Bort license plates. One question that really got us talking over the past 7 days was picking our favourite ever Simpsons moment. The winner for Jerry is the episode when the family take a trip to Itchy and Scratchy Land and Bart is in the gift shop looking for his name on a license plate but all he finds instead is Bort (watch this clip and you'll know). Have you got a special Simpsons moment?