See You Next Tuesday: Sloth Stars, Mini Mice and Splash Dogs.

Welcome to this weeks latest instalment of See You Next Tuesday where the Lazy Oaf team fill you in on the things that have caught our eye or got us talking in the office over the past 7 days. This week we are obsessing over Shitty Watercolours, craving fried chicken and wanting our own taxidermy mouse. 1. INTERNET SENSATIONS. The Slothocalypse. Sloths are really having a good time in the press recently and we couldn't be happier. The latest example of this comes in the form of these incredible illustrations by Tumblr sensation Shitty Watercolour who has drawn 101 film characters as if they were sloths. Personal highlights for us include the casts of Harry Potter and Futurama, who knew Fry would make such a good sloth eh? See more where these came from at 2. FOOD FAVOURITES: I feel like chicken tonight. If you have purchased a copy of our latest Winter '13 Magazine then you will have seen Jake's review of fried chicken joints across London where he used wings to rate each dish out of 5. And judging by Channel 4's latest fly-on-the-wall documentary The Fried Chicken Shop, it seems that we are not the only ones who are enjoying a chicken surprise on a weekday/weekend night. Clapham's Rooster Spot is definitely next on our hit list. 3. WINDOW SHOPPING: The mice is right. When we think of taxidermy we're typically greeted with an image of a mounted deer head in the family living room of a country house, that was until we saw the works of Julie Johnson Taxidermy. Launching her website just last week, British taxidermist Julie Johnson not only makes her animals but she also dresses them in carefully designed outfits giving each their own unique personality. Favourite designs for us include Master Mouse in felt shorts and the fluffy ruff-wearing Pierrot Rabbit. 4. MEDIA MATTERS: Wet n' Wild. Any dog owner will know that our hairy hounds like nothing better than jumping into the water, though trying to get them into a bath tub is a completely different story all together. Anyway, this weekend, via following @porkchopthebully on Instagram, we were introduced to the dog phenomena that has been taking the US by storm since 2008, Splash Dogs. With events happening across many states in the USA, Splash Dogs celebrate the art of dog dock diving within a family orientated, competitive atmosphere. Because what dog wouldn't want to jump into the water and play fetch all day? SD please come to the UK, pleeeeaassse.