Come Over to the Dark Side

It's dark in here so let's keep it that way! Welcome to Lazy Oaf's darkest collection yet. Yesterday we bought you six designs from our latest AW collection and today we have nine more to add to the list. This seasons collection follows the theme of Dark v.s. Light so in October we have moved over to the dark side and in November we shall be unveiling the lighter brighter side. We will also be throwing in a few extra treats along the way so we'll have new things keeping you going right until Christmas!
With seven girls T-shirts, eight mens, a sweater cardigan, a sweatshirt dress and our unisex Guts Sweatshirt, this dark collection sticks to a simple palette of black and white with a bit of colour thrown into liven things up when necessary. So why don't you dare to scare with dancing mountain goats, dapper up in big bow ties and get lost in psychedelia with rainbow geo hearts?
Destinations Slob T-shirt worn with Mini Skirt
If the darkness consumes you just let it in.