Competition: Potty Mouth

This month we are putting together issue 2 of the Lazy Oaf Magazine and we want you to be involved.
We love going to the pub and drinking too much gin and as a result we often find ourselves scrawling our feelings on the cubical door or just some immature smut. Usually smut.
This got us thinking that there are a lot of pubs in the world and for every pub there must be at least one potty poet, right? So we want you to go out and hunt and take photos of the best, worst, stupidest, smuttiest, most romantic bathroom graffiti you can find. We're basically giving you an excuse to go to all the pubs you can findâ¦You're welcome.
To enter the competition you must upload your potty mouth graffiti photos to Instagram or Twitter with the #lazyoafpottymouth and the location and name of the pub/bar/club/wherever you took the photograph. All entries must be original images taken by their submitters.
We understand that not everyone is as geeky as us and glued to social media all day long so if you really cannot get the photo to us via either of these platforms you can email your photograph to Please title the email "LAZY OAF POTTY MOUTH COMP". Send him pictures of sloths too, if you like.
The closing date to enter is the Wednesday 21st of August.
Our favourite entries will have their names and photographs featured in issue 2 of the brand new Lazy Oaf Magazine releasing in September 2013 to accompany the launch of our Winter Collections. You'll also get to pick a Lazy Oaf design of your choice and win an Lazy Oaf Goodie Bag.
We will be printing 3,000 copies that will be sent out to over 100 international stockist, shipped free with all of our online customer orders and be available to purchase at our London store.
Winners will be contacted via Twitter or Instagram or email, depending on their method of entry. You're basically gonna be famous.
We can't wait to see what you guys find, here's are some examples we liked below.