Amongst drawing and writing and emailing and Photoshopping and tea drinking, us girls at Lazy Oaf HQ like to talk a lot about our favourite things. So we have decided to let all of you in on what is floating our boats at the moment and hope that you, in turn, will share your current loves with us too. So please read on and find out what we simply can't get enough of at the moment.

You wouldn't believe how excited I am for this spring when the Wizarding World of Harry Potter opens!! AHHHHHH! My heart skipped a beat when I saw pictures of Hogwarts being looks AMAZING!!! Already looked at flight prices and defo going this summer!!! Cant wait to get on the Hogwarts express and eat lunch at The Three Broomsticks. Woo I love being a geek!
Get a feel for the park yourself on the
flying tour!

Being from the north I am very aware of how poncey I sound when I declare I love to snack on Edamame Beans but I do! I bloody love them, especially from Pret around the corner, covered in salt and pepper, they're like a packet of crisps Gillan Mckeith or Carol Vorderman would let you , in fact encourage you to eat. They're the perfect snack and I may even be bankrupting myself by constantly indulging my edamame cravings but I'm just so happy to find something super mega healthy that I actually love eating, I'm usually more of a Greggs girl....... I would also like this key-ring (see above).

I read every night. No matter if I get into bed at 11pm or 3am and on the tube if I get a seat. I usually read American crime but at the moment I am loving reading 'The Time Travelers Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger; as you all know the book is almost always infinitely better than the film.

I freaking love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. This US sitcom has got to be one of the most deliciously offensive sitcoms I have seen in a while. None of the characters are very likeable with loose morals and a fetish for arson, yet I seem to love each and everyone. My particular favourite is Charlie who is a crazed stalker guy who ends up sharing a bed with Danny Devito where mystery poops keep appearing and has an alias as the green man in an all in one lurex number . He also has a song about the 'night man' which will bring a tear to your eye. I cannot recommend this highly enough. This is a particularly good

Although technology sometimes makes me want to cry, I love working on the internet because it means I stumble upon websites like this. Human Descent is a blog/FlickR dedicated entirely to metamorphosing animals together to make new ones. Above you can see a Horilla (horse/gorilla), a squinting Foxird (fox/bird), a Doguin (dog/penguin) and my personal favourite the Ugly Pugling (pug/duckling). I tried to have a go at my very own but it was too bad to post on here, maybe I should invest £5 on a
tutorial? See more where these came from at

I am currently loving loving loving my Knitting Nancy/Nanny/or Granny, which ever you prefer?! I sat last weekend and made metres upon metres of knitted 'tubing'.
I have come up with several excellent ideas on what I can do with it, the ideas are endless. Who would have thought a tube of wood and four nails could be so satisfying!!
So there you have it, we love Harry Potter, books, beans, Danny Devito, morphed animals and knitting. Can we quickly throw Glee into the equation also because it has certainly bought back a lot of love for
Strangers in the Night.